So like a few days ago this bat got into our house. i was up in my room reading a book when i say something flapping. when i got a good look at it it ws a bat flying between here and the hallway.
I yelled. BAT! and insteant mounovers were made.
dad got the net.( saved for such porpoises.)
i got a broom( from my room. hey that reymes.)
mom got into the lower restroom and locked it. ( screaming im not coming out till you get that thing out f here.)
eli Hide in his room.
jonah ..... slept.
dad and me met at the bottem stairs. him with a net and me with my broom. we soon caught him. he was hiding in a dark corner of a window.
we tried to get a picture of it but it didnt work out. so no blog pictures for this blog yet. plus the bat got tangled in the net so dad had to cut it out. we released it outside.
during one of our nllc progrems.( northen light learning center. nllc) we made a reft.
the progrem was fun in nature. it was split into three group. younger children and older girls. they are working on a fort. middle aged boys. there working on a village.
older boys Im in that one. we made a raft.
eli and jonah are in middle aged boys group
it really simple to make raft boat to.
youl need a wood( dont know what kind il tell later.) a bourd that will go to the end of the raft . and a square piece of wood for the middle. nails and hammers. ( maybe tell late how to make it.)
it toke us about 4 days to make it.
When we finshed it and were putting it into the water i said" wait we got to christen it first. and since we got no beer were bonk it with a hammer. what should its name be". bob was decaided.
you guys know how to swim right said one of the adults. ohm yea i said. as me and nick( one of the builders) were sent out to the middle of the pond.
when we got to the middle of the pond the younger children and older girls group came. they were supraised. and i was braggy.( after all this project was belived doomed from the start. after all i desarved a little bragging.) we soon came back ashore and we try three people no can do. we were sinking and i abonden ship. i was so brave. my socks got wet.
i want out to the middle aged group and told them about it. than everybody but the younger children got rides. the younger children will do it but we didnt have lifejeckets.
maybe il be able to get some pictures on here. just wait.
roger and out.
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