jacobs blog

the life of hmeshooling 13 year old.

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Wrath of Agehmor

Hilarious amateur video of medieval dwarves and elves who go on a quest to avenge their fallen comrade by killing Lord Agehmor, who dwells atop the Peak of Eternal Despair.

so yea this was a goody.

any self respecting dork will like this


Blogger Dave S. said...

As a self-respecting dork, all I can say is thank God this kind of technology wasn't around when I was your age, or I would have left quite a trail of embarrassing material.

I think my favorite scene was toward the end, when Agehmor was overshadowed by the grim Streetlight of Sodium Illumination. Also, someone's mom is wondering where all her aluminum foil went.

4:43 PM EST  
Blogger areeee said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:40 PM EST  
Blogger areeee said...

sorry about the post above.. i made it and removed it.

thanks Dave.

8:42 PM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

hi! I play Damien and Yolyk in The Wrath of Agehmor, and we are all honored that you featured our video on your blog. Thanks!

12:19 AM EDT  
Blogger areeee said...

No thank you. I loved it....And am happy you let me put this on.

Am sorry I didnt post later but ive been out of touch.

Do you guys have a website or something? Cause i'd like to see it

10:30 PM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

We don't have a website, but we are currently in production of The Wrath of Agehmor 2. It is a prequel to the original and we have about 5 times longer to work on it this time. It will be on google video and youtube within a month or so. :) glad you enjoy it!

3:24 AM EDT  
Blogger areeee said...

A couple of tips.

1 speak louder....I couldnt hear you very well at the start....otherwise it was fine.

2 Those things the elfs fought....WHAT WERE THEY!!! Ghost or something.( I know not really a tip....Sue me)

1 Might want to consider wooden weapons...they make a very good thwack and if used carefully wont hurt anyone.

Sorry i really dont know a whole lot about film making but this tips make sense.

Good luck with the next movie.

Oh and can I post the wraith of aghmor 2 on this blog.

.....I really need to make a new post

3:52 PM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, Yolyk again. Well the prequel to WoA, "The Stillgrove Altar", is now complete though I'm not sure we heeded your tips very well lol. We at least put "treeling" in the credits this time for tree people. We had 2 new people and didn't have the guy who played Agehmor for this one. The acting is decidedly mediocre and the weapons are as plastic as ever. Enjoy! ...maybe..
here's a link:
also, keep an eye out for our profiles other movies that should be up in the next few days. Thanks again for your support!

12:58 AM EDT  

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