jacobs blog

the life of hmeshooling 13 year old.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Wow.....Ive ben gone.

It has been a long time since I last post.
My time has been consumed by theatre, script writing, and my own lazyness.

A blizzard hit us in Ithaca. Now we large amounts of snow piled up..

My brother have been using them to make snow caves...

I made a awsome fort at my friends( aiden) house.

I will send pictures if I can
And since im not terrible filled with ideas for my blog I will place my scripts.

DO NOT COPY OR USE AS YOUR OWN!!!!!! You have been warned.

( all scripts need editing.)


by Jacob gelber

( scene shows Dungeon master and Jason sitting around the table. dnd stuff are lying around.)
Jason.: So dm how do you play this game.?
Dm: ( wonderous look in eye.) shall i give you the short intro or the long one.
Jason: ohm short i think.
Dm: Dungeons and dragons is a game of adventure and intrigue where magic is alive and where you must fight for your live.....Where good always wins. where the brave shall rule, evil will be crushed with the great mighty powerful hand of whoever i think of, and the dm Rules all enclouding the bad pcs....THEY MUST DIE.!
Weess hatess them yessss....
Jason: look i found all that out by looking in the back of the books....i was wondering how you actully play.
Dm: well om you have dice and minatures and and and....more dice....Oh and maps and graph paper.... minatures...dice.....maps.. or did i already say that.
Jason: so there not any actully adventure.
Dm: well no all is possiple with the power of your am.....
Jason: and you dont really fight.
Dm: om no.
Jason: Just a bunch of geeks rolling dice and looking at some badly painted minatures.
Dm: om om,,,,,( ryan enters.) OH look Ryan. ( pointing) Come sit down.
Ryan: Whos the new guy.
Dm: his names Jason. hell be joining us in our game. Ryan is a barbarian. Jim the other player is a Wizard.
Jason: Ive looked and I will be a ranger.
Dm: ok......Oh look Jim( Jim enters. Looks around slyly)
Jim: Who is he.
Dm: ( cheerfully) his new.
Jim: good. Noobies are always better for minions.( sits down.)
Dm: lets get started... ( scene changes to a wild dwarf. and a young man in robes.)
You are in the wildness.. to your left there are woods.( looks to left.) to your right is more woods( looks to right)...In front of you you see a small watch tower.( looks at tower.) There is a guard. He his human and has a short sword. you also see a ranger. He is....( scene back to dnd table)
Jason: Wait is that me.
Dm: YES!
Jason: how do they know im a ranger.
Dm: well ohm ....you have a bow......SHUT Up.
Jason: fine.
Dm. The ranger is kicking some rocks in a bored why. and he is.....
Jason: WHY the heck im I kicking some dumb rocks!
Dm: Shut up and listen.
Jason: ( grumble) stupid rocks.
Dm: you are now free to do what you want... Jason you can contrel what he does.
Jason: Great. I ask the guard where I can shop.
( scene changes back to woods.
Ranger: Where may I buy some supplys good sir.
Dwarf: ( walks up with wizard.) Yea what he said.
Guard.( yawns) Up in the tower.
Ranger: Thank you.
( they all but guard go into the watch tower. they see a green man....he is a orc.)
Orc: Welcome to my shop of weapons supplys and ARGG! ( wizard hits him with his staff.)
Ranger: Hey why did you kill him.( his voice starts as wizard but ends up back at the table scene with Jason finshing talking)
Jim: because his a orc.
Jason: What! you some kind of racist.
Jim: All orcs are evil.
Jason: You cant prove that.
Jim: Sure look here. (Shows him the monster manuel.) see chaotic evil.
Jason: OFTEN! often chaotic evil.
( back at tower.)

wizard: He was obviously going to step us in the back ad take our money and stuff.
ranger: THE HECK HE WAS!!!!
Dwarf: look I found a piece of paper. ( piece of paper shows badly drawn plan which has the orc step them in the back and take there stuff.)
Wizard: SEE!.
Ranger: who would he even drew that.
Big mystic voice.: Dont ask dumb qeastions.
Ranger: Im going to pretend i didnt hear that.
BMV: Good.
Wizard: well his died so lets take his stuff. Detact magic. ( hand glows)
Ranger: what does that do.
Wizard: helps me find magic items. Oooo. im getting pretty powerful vibes here.....the magic item is in here somewhere.( shuffles through a rubbish pile.) Ohhh i feel it in here....GOT IT! ( takes out teddy bear.)
Ranger: Sigh..... Is this really how the game is soppused to be played...
Dwarf: What does it do.
Wizard: I dont know....Its proply junky magic anywhy. ( Throws it away.)
Dwarf: You never know. Il take it. ( Picks it up)
Wizard: AWWW does the littly wiggums dwarfy have his CUTEST teddy beary.
Dwarf: grrrrr.
Wizard: He goes nowhere Without his teddy beary huh huh.( pinches his cheek.)
Dwarf: Dont...Do THAT!!!!!( whacks him with the teddy bear. Wizard falls down.....all look at him.)
Ranger: You...killed him with a teddy bear? That's just like a whole new meaning to pitiful
Dwarf: wizards are weak but not that weak....
Ranger: ( checking his vitels.) His dying.
dwarf: Oh....( both stare at each other)
Ranger: shouldnt you be helping him....
Dwarf: Why dont you.
Ranger: Well I looked at you sheet and it said you had a potion of healing...
Dwarf: I only have one and im saving it for myself...
Ranger:....I think you should give some to him...
Dwarf: fine.( takes out potion...makes wizard drink it....Wizard gets up.)
Wizard: I hate you.
dwarf: whatever...The orc is bleeding we should get him out.( Wizard Dwarf Grabs him)
Ranger: Wait the guard...( throw orc out.) Never mind...
( guard yawns and steps over dead orc.)
Ranger: WAIT WAIT WAIT( back at table)
Jason: Why doesnt the guard care that we killed the shopkeeper.
Dm: WHAT! I cant hear you.
Ryan: (leaning over) Dont ask him those kind of stuff. he wont reply.
Jason: this is the most STUPID game ever.
Ryan: GASP
Dm: (Calmly) Jason I know you dont know the rules around here but if you insult the game im afraid we will have to kill you.
Jason: HA. i could take on all three of you nerds..All you guys do is sit here in the dusty basement and roll dice.
Dm: ok ok right. so are you leaving here than.
Jason: *sigh* Im stuck here..my parents left me. And theres nothing else to do So il finshe playing.
Dm: ok.. back to the story. ( Scene back at watch tower.)
Guard: Hey theres some goblins that are being annoying...Go kill them and I will pay you.
Dwarf: yea a quest.
Wizard: ranger dwarf let's be off.
Ranger: HOLD IT!. We cant call ourself ranger and dwarf . We need names... Im going to be zecchery the swift eye.
Dwarf: OK sound good il be Ryan.( smiles)
Ranger: Ryan your so orgineal.
Dwarf: Fine il be Fred.
zecchery: Im not going to say ANYTHING!
Wizard: I will be Slorn soon to be ruler of the world...MWHAAAAAA.
Fred: Fine. Whatever.
Zecchery: Hey what were the goblins doing to annoy the guard anywhy.
Slorn: No doubt Raiding the tower and stealing and so forth.
( wavey sequence.. they scene shows a bunch of goblins carrying eggs and throwing them at the watch tower. guard comes yelling and screaming. goblins flee.)
Guard: Thats the last time you egg my beautiful tower. The first bunch of adventurers that come im hiring to kill you all.
( wavey sequence back to zecchery fred and slorn.)
Zecchery: yea most likley.
Fred: lets move.
( scene changes and they are walking down a path....suddenly a troop of undead appear.)
Zecchery. Quick hide.
( they hide.)
Fred: I think I hear them.
Slorn: no doubt they are Groaning and wishing to kill.
Fred: actully it sounds like....
( scene changes to show undead rapping.... One does the worm only to break his spine...Things go quite.)
Zecchery: I think there gone. Im going to look.
( looks and undead see them.)
Zecchery: FLEE!
( they run and go to tunnel.)
Fred: Quick in. ( to zecchery)
Z: What.. In there.
S: youd rather be eaten.
Z: But who knows whats in there.
F: There coming.
Z: Fine. ( goes in tunnel.)
( F and S smack hands great.)
S: Great trick.
F: HAHA! Look at those zombies.
( zombies moving slowy towerds them.)
S: yea lets go meet him at the other side.
F: Wonder whats in there.
( they move out and a sign show saying. TUNNEL OF PAIN, SLIMY THINGS, AND BATS. scene changes to end of tunnel. F and S are pulling Z out.)
Z: it was horrible. I only have one hit point left.
F: dont worry mate were heal up and sleep before we continue.
(back to table)
Dm: You guys sleep than.
Jim: yes.
Dm: ok your all healed up.
Jim: And I get my detact magic spell back.
Dm: No thats for sorcerere's You have to study... If you study you cant sleep and than you cant heal your wounds.
Jim: No I get my spells back every night.
Dm: if you study.
Jim: No. Im looking this up.( grabs book.)
Dm: Go ahead. My word is finale.
Jim: Here It is. it says I sleep I get my magic doohickys back.
Dm: No it doesnt. ( grabs book.) It doesnt say that.
Dm: no it doesnt.!!
Jim: You know nothing of the game of power.
JIm: huh?
Jason: hold up hold up... First of all How does a good nights sleep even heal us....Even though im in doubt we could even get that
( quick scene shows Z trying to get some sleep on hard rocks.. than it is back at the table.)
Ryan Dm Jim: SHUT UP JASON!!!
Jason: fine but is Slorn isnt even injured.
( pause.)
Jim: oh yea......Nevermind than.
Dm: Yea...lets get on with this.
(The three pcs are overlooking a camp of the goblins. they are currently hidding behind a wall.)
S: Ok whats the plan,
Z: Well..... Me and Slorn could give covering fire while Fred charges them.
F: why me.
Z: because your the strongest among us i think.
F: true but what if they beat me up.
S: Cmon there goblins..
Z: yes but if things go bad were jump in and help and things get even worse than we could retreat.
S: I dont like that plan.
Z: Why because of the retreating.
S: No! I dont like the save Fred part. He can rot for all i care.
F: Thanks alot moren.
S: Same to you buddy.
Z: Ok Slorn stick to the plan.
S: fine.
F: Ok ill charge. 1...2...3!!!! ( charges goblins.)
(Fight begins..Fred charges and starts getting hit bad. the other who have been throwing magic and arrows charge up to help him.... things are
looking bad when a goblin knocks freds axe out of his hand. fred suddenly get very mad.)
( fred begin slinging his teddy bear,. the goblins now look bad and are soon defeated.)
Z: looks like the fights over....cant belive you killed them with a teddy bear.
S: maybe its a teddy bear of smashing.?
(Suddenly a large hill gient comes upon them)
S: MAGIC MISSLE! ( throws spell at gient.
Gient: Counterspell.( magic is blocked.)
Jason:( back at table) Wait it says here that hill gients are dumb. how can the learn wizards spells.
Dm: be quite Jason
Jason: No I want you to tell me how he is smart enough to cast spells.
Dm: This is the last time you qeastion my authirity. Your charecter gets hit by a lightning bolt.
Ryan: thats a classic.

( almost done this one)

Im hoping to make this into a movie so anyone with any cool movie editing progrems can you please tell me about them.

Im also doing a zine. ( teen written newspaper.)

So far its kinda choatic. theres about twelve kids. and theres alot of screaming and so forth.
I hope we will actully be able to get the 1# out.

I also got a laptop gateway which is howe im posting this.
( my parents got it for me. Thanks ^_^)


<('')> ( KIRBY)

Im now playing soccer with two teams.

My homeschooling team

There kinda a dribble gamers. not much for passing....we lose almost al our games... but alot of them are my friends so I dont dump them.

Lansing lasers team.

Were coached well my our coach.

We pass and dribble..we still need to improve our passing.

were kicking butt till coach moved us up a level.... now were getting kicked so we better learn or die.

On both teams im still the fastest ( and one of the shortest) player on the teams.

Thats all for me tonight....

Bye all.



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