jacobs blog

the life of hmeshooling 13 year old.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Long time no see.

Alot of things....

I went to saint john....That was pretty cool.....We were there for two weeks. We saw very little birds and wildlife since there isnt alot of that....We did however see alot of fish since the snorkling is good down there.

I'll post some pictures once I figure out how.

we hiked..Mostly me and dad, but sometime with the rest of the family.

we saw in the water manta rays, nurse sharks, turtles, parrot fish, puffer fish, Tuna, and many more.

And I got alot of pictures of them.

the first place we want wasnt too good...My mom disliked it because the beds were bad and the staff were rather sullen.

after a week we deceided to move to a more comfortable place. It was pretty cool.
We lived in cottages in bird walks. ( Above the ground bridges) and the food was good.

The cafe was pretty simple. You go up and order...Than you wait for the guy to yell out your name. ( That you had told the person before waiting)

Thinking of this I remebered a video.

Put this into tab and click go to see


The cafe was above the ground pretty high....We saw some good birdlife hurtling around there....

I'll describe more later with the pics but for now I'll talk about other stuff.

This weekend I want larping with a friend of my dads. ( Actully workmate but you get the idea.)
It was pretty cool.

Me and my friend Arlo started off as NPC's ( Non player characters.) We started off as Rats that were checking out the village where the PCS ( players characters) hang out between quests and such.

The village itself is pretty cool. There are two public buildings. The healers guild and the tavern.

The tavern has a huge picture of a ogre drow spider and such on the far wall. ( Homemade I think)

It full of mugs and such....It where the cook does his cooking.

The healers guild is where dead Pcs go to return to the living....I havent died a Pc death so I havent seen inside it. But it had a big sun on the outside....Kinda like Pelor in DND.

The rest were buildings made from other Pcs who wanted to make houses.

( You have to pay four hours of work in the village every month to pay for the rent...)

People who want to be regulers and own a house can make one. Must arent very big. The house are mostly one room. Maybe two in the biggers ones.

Their full of medivel style stuff.

And now back to the rats.

We entered the village like rats ( All but on four paws) And scuttled around. We were actully looking for a person but he wasnt there. He did however live in one of the houses, and had left his personel smell there.

Somehow ( Even though were undead) we could smell him. As we slowly started our way over there one of the female pcs was trying to talk to a rat. She was not having much succes. She was acting as if the rat was her pet but than a half orc ( Who I know from my soccer team.) Got bored and deceided that a dieased undead rat wasnt a good thing to have in his village.

He quickly killed and dispatched the rat..

The slaughter begin. All 4 rats were dispatched till only I was alive.

The marshel ( Out of game character who tells Npcs what too do. She/ he are the ones who run the quests) Told me to head towards the house where the guy we were looking for was living in.

I started forward when suddenly the Pcs surrended me and fice swords hit me at once.

I didnt hear the numbers they were shouting out cause of the ringing in my ears as I fall to the groung. In game I was dead, out of game I was stunned. ( Slight exergtion)

There was a seconed round but I didnt last very long...I was the first too go....

Than we want back to the npcs camp.

At the Npc camp the other Npcs were going to the village as huge bugs. ( They had big bug eyes on their forhead)

The Npc camp was one large building....Not huge but enough to fit six people comfortably in it..

One wall is full of weapons, the other had costumes. I got a rather basic costume with a torso and pants.....

Than when the bugs returned we become undead zombies.

We all dressed up in mask's.

Than we wat into the woods.

One of us was choosen to be a fey ( elf like creature) who was a the fashion advicer to the key king/queen. She was too get the Pcs to go on a quest to get dancing mushrooms in the restless graves...

So we were already there.....We were hiding the meadow... ( Or ingame in the ground hiding)

Finally the Pcs arrived. We were start getting up once they started to play music ( The sage..One of the owners, was playing a flute.) When he begin to play the flute the mushroom would dancem, and we would get up.

( Mushroom dancing is actully a guy with a muhroom tied by a string to a stick....Than twirling it around till somebody catches it.)

Theres not a whole lot to say on this quest....We mustly died, and than we had too move to the next mushroom place

The only thing worth talking about is the second to last round. We almost killed the sage...We had him surrended but he managed to run away.

At last that quest was over so we want back to Npc camp.

Than we put on grey make up. We toke two short weapons and begin earth elemantels.. ( Didnt spell that right...Oh well)

First we sent a really powerful guy to try and drain a stone that had power that could buff up our leader who was a gnome.

He was draining the stone in the middle of the village....The pcs must of thought that it wasnt a good idea to lt him drain te stone so they kept knocking his sword away from the stone ( whicj kept him from draining it) Suddenly as the knocked the sword away for the fourth time he struck out yelling "SUNDER SUNDER!!"( Which means breaking the sword that hits the weapon.)

They now had two useless weapons.....But the other Pcs killed him after that.

Seeing that sending one great powerful guy didnt work the gnome sent us all to distract them while he drained the stone.

There was a fight but we all died....The gnome drained the stone which made him very powerful.....I guess the stone had some kind of power that connected to him or something.

Now for some reason he had a grudge against a martiel arts monk. Someting about not being allowed into his order or something...And the monk ( Who was a Npc) was in the village.....So the Gnome gather more of us and want over to challange the monk to a duel.

The dual was nothing great....The monk had a staff and they fought....The monk lost and was getting the crud beaten out of him when the pcs attacked.....

It was a long fight but the Pcs won....

After that I left for soccer....The next day I came back and played a little more..

( I was a Npc guard for the pcs)

Nothing too great....a fight with a siren and some undead, and than some goblins.

I lost all my soccer games that weekend...........

I'll write about or trip to saint john later......


The lolling Areeee...


Blogger sag said...

Larpimg sounds like fun, though there seems to be lots of dying as an npc

5:40 AM EDT  
Blogger RET said...

Wow, how do you remember all that detail about your LARPing adventure when you can't remember to empty the dishwasher every morning? LOL - just kidding, my little sweetness. I can help you put pictures up on the blog if you want me to.

8:49 AM EDT  

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