jacobs blog

the life of hmeshooling 13 year old.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mardi gras new orleans floride.

Hi all it me back again to talk about my trip.

It toke a good Six hours to get to new orleans.

our uncle paul. found us in the baggage area. he had baby nat with him. ( nat is his nickname his real name is nathaniel.) he drove us home after we got our baggage.

Baby nat hates being in the car he will cry like everything while he is inside a car.
After about 20 minutes of crying and driving we got to there home.

Strangly it looked the same to me the last time we were there except outside. on both sides there was house with garbage that they had thrown out on the sidewalk. mostly rusted metel and pieces of wood but there was other things to. Bags of wasted garbage pieces of railing and other such things.

We want inside and aunt ally walcomed us and give us cookies before breast feeding the baby.
afterwards baby nat felt much better we played games with him here are all the games we played.

1 walk. we toke him by the hands and walked him around the building. he cant walk on his own yet.

2 faces. we would make funny faces at him making him smile.

3 wagon ride. we had a large plastic wagon with us so we would take baby nat on a ride around with him. this only lasted for a while before he would want to get out.

4 mardi gras wagon. A upgraded varsion of wagon. we would take the extre beads we had and baby nat would throw them to uncle paul aunt ally and anyone else near by while riding in the wagon.

5 ball. He would throw the ball in any direction and we would pick it back up and give it back to him and he would throw it again.

6 Crawl. We would crawl on the ground with him leading any where he wanted.

7 Push cart. He has a little baby cart which we would help him push.

8 how tall is net. when we would say how tall is nat he would rise his hands and we would rise our hands and say " this tall."

We had to play these games alot with him. Uncle paul and aunt ally was a bit relived that they didnt need to play with him all the time and that we could take care of him for a short while.

We liked it. ( we meaning me and my two brothers. Me the oldes, jonah is next he has long hair smug face and has something for fairytales. Eli the youngest is the cute one, the soccer goaly, and the baseball player. the other more brotherly names are the mouth, the annoying, and the mothers baby,)

They have no phone network because all the phones are down so its hard to keep in touch.

We watched some tv and want to bed.

The next day grandpa came to vist from the merchent marines that he joined soon after his wife grandma jeckie died from cancer. and we played some more with the baby. we also want out to get costumes i didnt get one but mom got a mask and purple hair my dad got a mask and eli got mardi gras clothes.( freaky striped clothes hopefully i will be able to get some of his clothes photes on this blog.

The third day we were getting ready to go out to a parade. so during sunsat we want out to a parade.

There was bead catching and very little music which was bad.( no music make parades boring.) we got plastic cups and beads

there was the floats of the dead ( i dont know the real name though.) The floats were based on skulls and the living dead.

After about a two hours we want back home and got some sleep.

Fourth day uncle paul made his mask. It was a gas mask he bought at the costume store.
He had extre beads that he hot glue on the gas mask making a cool looking gas mask. He had to but a hot glue gun though. ( run for it uncle paul has got a hot glue gun aaaahhhh.)

We want to cafe de mond though. ( thank god that it survived.) and we gobbled up the beignit and want sightseeing. I bought a bottle worth eight dollers for my bottle collection and we want out for lunch.

We want to restrunt and this norvous waiter served us drinks and toke up our order.

grandpa asks for a sandwich the waiter writes it down and turns to the next person in line.

Grandpa tells him that your have to ask about rather or not we want dressing on our sendwich.
the waiter nods and asks if grandpa wants dressing. he says no. the waiter turns to eli who order a sandwich and asks if he want dressing. he says no il have mine naked thanks. after elis short joke he leaves .

I bet a doller that he will mess up the order. dares my father.

Your on i say i have two left over dollers ill bet one.

jonah also bets a doller.

We have to wait for a long time with me looking over trying to see if the waiter was bringing our food and thinking come on waiter come on you can do it.

Finally he brings the food yes it looks all right to me we all got our orders right. yes Yes i think just before eli says.

" i said no dressing."

When the waiter leaves i go argh.

Jonah argues while we pay our money i say nothing knowing we had lost fair and square.

( just to say am not a gambling man my dad isnt either jonah is also not a gambler.)

After we want back out into the french market only to lose jonah for a little while. ( his always getting lost and its a family joke to say wheres jonah because were always having to say it.)

We find him and want home.

Things that i dont remamber which day that they occered.

We want to the playground. there was no one else there so while uncle paul dad and eli played baseball i toke nat on the swings the slides and toke him walking. i played a liitle pickle game ( in baseball.) with eli and uncle paul than we want home.

The baby was sick with a headache and a sore throat. we also caught the sickness. we stilled played with the baby though even if my head hurt really bad.

Last day of mardi gras we saw these stange custumes.

1 naked cowboy though am told he a reguler sight in new orleans. his not really naked he has tighty whitys and a guiter.

2 star wars people. i thik there was a stormtrooper , liea , a jedi.

3 a woman with doughnuts on her breast and nothing else

4 the pink bunny drummer for energizer.

5 fat naked guy.( my brother saw him not me.)

6 improper fake suits . need i say no more.

7 refrigerator muggets. they were dressed in white. These muggets which the ladys were imporsenting actully live in our food we just eat them before they can come out of there eggs.

View of ninth ward.

terrible just terrible there were buildings moved into streets. one house was on a car. the car was crushed under it. shumbles of building wood some stuff animels that peeked out of the ruins houses that had fallen into itself.
i hadnt seen much damage but there was enough here to tall me it had been bad.

after new orleans we want to floride.

The hotel was nice we had a beach outside pool rent a movie video games restrent and nice rooms.

we made castles in the send seeing if the could survive the waves. ( we made one with walls and trenches the waves didnt reach till the next day than it was toast.) swimming bully boarding and every thing you do on a beach.

i caught lizards.( a topical hobby of mine though am getting out of shape at it because i live in a cold area.) its hard to catch them but if you distract them with one hand while reaching behind them you might catch them.

we watched the river wild and want out to eat at a cuben restrent.

we want to a big deck area which was a kind of mall and we eat there too.

And than we want home.

wait for more updates


Friday, March 10, 2006


Just saying some events that happened.

I either Broke my toe or jointed it really bad.

I played capture the flag.

And am working on my play called looking through the looking glass.

I will write about what i did in new orlean later.
