hi am updating now,
back a few weeks before easter we had a maple syrup party.
you see during the spring we put a metel tube into the tree. the sap comes out like water in to buckets that we leave there. after we have about 5 gallons we start to put it into a pot to cool and steam till all the water thats in it steams off leaving testy maples sryup.
usally we try to have a party but till now we were unable because people couldnt come. however this time we had a GIENT PARTY! about 10 people came at diffrent times and at the same time.
only proplem i had that i had too meny friends at the same time so i had to keep switching with them.
one of these friend were a really young child called andrew that i play with at church. we were hard presses to have some play time because i was switching between friends.
during this me and a friend walking around the small lake thats near our house.
than we sat down and listen to a really good soccer coach. she was telling us and my friend about the diffrence between girl players and boy players. my friend who was talking about the way she felt about her follow girl players. how she felt that the others were putting pressure on her to play her best because she was not popleur or something i dont remamber. anywhy she felt that the girls that consider herself good were only being snobs and not doing to good for the team either. mareen( thats the name of the coach) want on to say that that girls seem presed into being creative with what they do on the field to keep the enamy team guessing. ( just to say im only repeating what i think she said it might not be accrute though.) than my friend left. and i had a little time to rpg( roleplay meaning pretand were something were not) and then everybody want home.
we got about a gallon and a half of pure maple syrup.
to dnd.
right so today.( yes actully today)
i had a dnd( dungeons and dragons.) session with a bunch of other teenagers.
our charecters were.
me, renelf the grey.human wizard.
arlo( friend of mine), human warlock ( i dont know his cherecters name so i will refer to him as arlo. to those that dont know warlock his wizard based creature with too much power if you ask me.
jason. ( also dont know his cheracter name. his name will be jason.) half orc barbarian.
nick. ( dm.dungeon master he contrels everything.
adam.( dont know his cheracter name. his name will be adam.) human monk.( he plays his chararter cool like. i try to play cool to but i end up annoying but useful pest.)
we were around 4 level. you can see we were heavely stocked in brute force since nick jason and adem were monk and barbarians.
i was the master at magic while arlo at only a few spells.( though he could cast them at any number at a time. i could only cast my spells only once per spell i had stocked and ready. but what i had of power i made up in bulk.)
right basicelly we were in the inn when our cheracters( minus adam he wasnt with us.) heard a rumer about a quest to be done at the castle. also about the huge bounty on the good kings head made by a evil king.
we want to the castle and were quickly searched through to make sure we had no weapons to hurt the good king that we were going to meet.
he told us that he had been poisened and was ging to turn into a vampire in 3 days. also his happy trigger bodyguard monk was to come in and help us.( enter adam the happy triggred monk. he had a crossbow to use.)
than i had a idea. heres how i tell my ideas to my friends.
me:i got a idea. i got a idea. i got a idea.
arlo: should we.
Jason: i dont think thats going to work.
adam: does anybody have a idea.
ME: i do i do.
( silunce.)
adam: anybody else.
( silunce.)
adam: fine whats your idea.
Me: well we should split up adam me, arlo and jason. arlo and jason will go to the evil king and tell him we killed the good king with of caurse some proof like the royel ring that am sure the good king will give to us. while adem and me find the antidote for the kings desease.
arlo: that that may be the best plan yet.
so we splt up i dont know what arlo and jason did but me and adam found that a gravedigger had let out rumers that a gravedigger messacrea had happen while they were digging a really deep hole( dont ask me why they hit a tunnel underground and why they were making such a large hole. our dm left a lot of plot holes.) were they were killed by hungry undead ghouls. he was the only surviver. also he got the idea that the antidote was inside the tunnel. so we go down the tunnel meet a bunch of chew on gravediggers and met about 6 ghouls.
it was quite the fight.
i back up and cast the spell magic missle. hitting two of them for 12 14 damage.( magic missle is only allowed 4d damage but i got a feat that incressed it.) adem i think hit one than a ghoul hit him. he fail to make his fortuided check and couldnt move. so i grabed him and moved backwards. this happen about four rounds till he oke up and than somehow arlo nd jason show up and we beat the ghouls with arlo big powerful magic wand.
than we got into a arguement about how much more powerful there guys were and we considered going back to level one but arlo disagreed and we continued.
we entered the next room to find a vampire.( not the king.) it was a a big fight but adam made most of the damage by punching it into the face. the vampire now feeling weak retreats and bites arlo making him strong while arlo weakens. soon arlo was on his last legs so adem knocked him down and killed him.( i know i know putting a stake through his heart is the way to kill a vampire. but we dont always follow the rules.) in the next room we found a chest and a ladder leading up. we heards sound of fighting above us. and than while adam swung his torch around( he was carrying a torch) i cast light on a my staff. arlo was going back the way we came to found the fight had knocked something in the way of the door so we couldnt get out.
thinking the ladder in the chest room was a way out we decaid we should sand someout to check it out.
me: i have a idea.
arlo: ok what is it
Me: i have the spell invisibilty. i can cast it on anyone so they can go out there unnoticed.
we chose adam with this words.( i have a lot of spells like that.
me: ok dont attack anyone or you lose the spell. keep quit see what happened out there check out the temple maybe there a healing potion there for arlo. come right back after that.
adam: ok.
he want of found truce of what had caused the battle but found a bunch of burning buildings and bodys. he also found a invisable temple. somehow the clerics that work there had a big spell of invisable on the whole temple. when trouble came it actived.
so he came back with a cleric who healed arlo a little though he was still pretty wounded.
he also told us that the king had become the vampire. ( i dont know what caused the battle my guess was the vampire king made his own soldiers fight the his people.)
so we want to kill the vampire king. i had another idea you see i had a bunch of spells that would make you stronger and better armored i thought if we chose one person i could lay all my spells on him and make him a powerful fighter.
so adam was chosen and a layed these spells on him.
mage armor. 4 plus to armor class.
bulls strength. 4 plus to strength.
haste. 4 to armor class and gives him extre move.
so than we want to fight the vampire king. it wasnt a great batle the vampire battled us for about rounds than it attacked arlo who was still weakened by the last vampire and it killed him.
by than we had another arguement about making new charecters and arlo made a big deal about and finally we decaid to quite and make another charecters.
if you found something hard to understand about what ive said here leave a communt and il try to answer it.
mothers day.
happy mothers day to all you moms.
i write some poatry for my mom.
it haiku.
mom if you read this before mothers day dont look at the next words.
moms can be pretty.
moms can be sugery sweet.
moms can be caring.
moms can be gentle.
moms can be too cool.
moms can be very smart.
moms can be way wise.
but you are diffrent.
your MY mom.
the last sentice isnt really right for haiku but its the thought right.
also i might of made mistake with the other words too.
today after soccer practice we were playing on the playground with other teamates.( these teamates were Blake a kid with really hort hair Nat and some realy pale kid.
we were playing a game where Blakes younger brother erice chased us around and throw woodchips at us.
the pale kid was also playing but i dont think he really understood the game so( i didnt see him do this.) he pushed erice.
blake got really mad at him and they yelled at each other. than i turn my back and than turn it back to see Blake and the pale boy on the ground screaming like wild animels and at each other throats. i was in one of the playgroung towers so i jumped down and started to shout and swing my arms around. trying to tell them to stop and not wanting to try to tear them apart due that id get ripped to shreds. than the mom of a kid that we were playing with came over ripped them apart and give them both a scolding.
after that she left and were left to pick each other.
i want over and swung on the swings with nat and i told him that they should of talked instead of trying to kill thery selfs. what would you have nat asked. run i said better than getting beat up and i use to do it all the time when jonahs friends used to come over.
this is a pretty big update so i hope that will make for the lost time.
i will correct grammer later if i feel like it.
the mighty