jacobs blog

the life of hmeshooling 13 year old.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just to let you know.

There are more topics about dungeons and dragons and script making just to let you know.

Its in the Archives february. click it than scale down to the bottem.

Thank you.


My dad misses my birthday

My dad missed my birthday. how crual.

He had to work he is so crual to his first born son.

Sooooooooooo crual.


My father doesnt love me. Sob.

Hed rather make money than spend time with me.

well am just joking he had work true but he did take me out for lunch and dessert and he bought me pier anthony books.

and he will be here for my birthday party.

the only reason why he didnt spend time with me is that he had put all of his rest days into going into new orleans.

Thank you dad. thank you my family you made me a happy new teen.

13 before you know ill be dating and driving.

Cursing and drinking.

Ha ha ha.

Just joking.


paintball storys and a quick speech about my birthday

Jump for joy clap your hands bow before the mighty areeee.

So far ive got some money from family gift cards for books and movies and some pier anthony books.

now to paintball storys.

So from the begining.

I was waiting to get my gear. with me was a two friends my dad and one of the others friends dads.

we got our masks. ( the mask are so cool looking.) and our loaded guns.

So our first game was going to be speedball.
i was with both my friends has a team i think.

So the game begin

bang bang.

i was hiding behind a post when one of the other team shot me in the leg. ( my ankle was sticking out and they shot it.) at first i didnt know what happened.( while i was confused the guy who was shotting me let me have it in the ankle a few more times.) i moved out after that.

next game was defend the fort. a bunch of teenagers were playing has well so there was about 30 of us in all.

so a whole bunch of us get into the base which had lower area and a higher area. so a bunch of teenagers want upstairs and me and my friends and dads and a few teenagers were left to fight it out in the bottem.

the battle begin i was in a liitle box with a slot to shot through next to me was my dad and nearby was my friend. we were shotting it out i had no real target so i shot at anything that moved outside the base.

bang bang bang.

three shots hit my ankle ( again.)

in a panic voice i told dad that i was hit.

What am i going to do i thought. if i step outside there shot me up.

dad said to rise my gun in the air and walk into deadmans land.

i did that and i didnt get hit anymore.

Next game was capture the flag.

We choose a lot of attackers ( mostly the teenagers but my two friends also.) me my dad and the other dad and a teenager was choosen to defend the flag.

123 START!

The enter team rushed foward.( I think we had about 15 man.) I rushed with them roaring a battle cry. than while all the rest charge up the field i toke cover behind a bunker and waited for a attack.

After a while i got bored so i moved back to where the other defenders where hanging out.

than boom the other defenders noticed a enamy attacker. the other dad and the teenager surrended him
and begin to shot. ( i couldnt see him he was hidding in a really entagled vine area. they didnt seem to have a good shot at him.) i toke cover with my dad right where the flag was. soon the fight was over. we found out he had no more paintballs in his gun leaving him with only the sound of the gun. he couldnt have shot us with no ammo right.

soon 2 other attackers moved in and they had ammo.

while the others shot at them i moved in to fight. till now i had not shot anyone so this time i wanted to shot one of them.
I was on the side of the attackers so i got on my stumach and crawled till i was behind a bunch of fallen trees. i was kind of on the back side of one of the attackers. he didnt know i was there so i shot at him.

bang bang bang.

missed them all.

He now know where i was he shot at me but missed because i was behind the trees.
I could see him through a crack. so when he turned to shot at another defender I poped up and shot. missed again. ( i think he didnt even really thought me has a threat even though i was really close to him. i really was a lousy shot.) Finally when he was shotting at a defander i jumped up and shot.

Bang bang bang.


Yes i hit him.(I think after being shot he shot my friends dad sour loser i guess.) he soon left with the other attacker to deadmans land.

Soon after that our time was almost up so the defenders and me charged up the field only to have the raf call game over.

When we wore leaving one of the teenagers shot another teenager in the butt for fun just to see what would happen.

Our friends dad said.

when you go to collage you learn new words.

there was a game with only the five of us ( and the raf who was going to play has well ( there was another raf to cover him) the teams were my dad the friends dad and one of my friends and than there was me my other friend and the raf. but when i was checking my friend for paintball my own dad my old man that i had loved since i was borned shot me. ( the traitor.)
Both me and my friend left in disgrace.

Finally the last game of paintball. speedball.

i dont remamber the teams but while we were fighting both my teamates were shot off. there was only me left against two.

It didnt last long one of the other team got lucky and shot me in my slightly padded hand.

It want numb in pain and cold.

I ran off the field shouting in pain.

I learned one lesson during all my games and this lesson was the reason i got shot on everygame.

That lesson was.

Dont let any piece of your body stick out of your hidding place.

more storys to come.

goodbye .


Monday, February 20, 2006

Testing testing


Making my own paint ball field.

I feel that when i get the money i should make a paintball field for both the money and the fun.

You can make a lot of money of paintball.

plus i bet it will be fun to make one with the forts and treehouses and bunkers.
old cars and wheels to crewl in. sand walls on each side of you. pits and trunches with bridges.
sneaky areas that no one but you know.

a fort with lower and higher areas with all kind of places to shoot from.

and a monster ( me) to sneak around every once in a while.

With my own gun yea.

Ill send photes of my blueprints.

It will be hard to make and buy but ill manage.

also am thinking of ideas for fields modes of play forts so if anyone wants to comment that will be great.

thank you.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

improving my game

Lost badly today in soccer. they won by way to much.
my legs just arent fast enough to beat everyone i got to remamber that.
More passing is what i need.

I hate passing.


My team doesnt pass much either. what can i do about that.

my coach is pretty nice but he doesnt push us much.

I once got into a really good team but the drills were hard. I have never done the drills they did.
after two practices they said i was to young and they made me quite. am sure if they had let me work more id would have got the hang of it. this was U 13 team that i was playing with just to let you know. Am 12.

This team had a Trys out to and i scored 3 goals so i dont know what happened.

I Am the fastest player on my team.

Heres what i consider my stats on my skills on a range between 10 and 1.

Speed 10.

ball contrel 8

passing 5

reflex 7

fitness 4 ( uselly am really fit but i've got to lazy. il start to run more miles now)

Also i've got asthma.

please commented on what i should do.

Thank you.


Areeee speaks his mind

Huh. What mind. you mean my mind. i can tell you there not a lot going on up there.

You still there.

Yup your still here.

Am bored. bored bored bored. There nothing to do than just to write on this broken old computer.
Hmmm what to do.

maybe write poetry.


Write a story.


Write a song.


Run outside.


Play checkers.


This is stupid am leaving.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

hi just talking.

Hello am still alive out here.

Well i just got back from a trip and guess what. first i found out that my teenager dungeons and dragons was canceled. grrr. second i think my kid dungeons and dragon is complatly wiped out.
one player has gone power hungry and is trying to become the dm. ( ive got no proplem with this its just that he doesnt know enough to dm) Third my birthday is coming. Yea. books xbox games computergames maybe a exotic cookbook. and for my party were going to play PAINTBAll. Yea.
With grenades and friends and forts what more could i ask but i also get to have a SLEEPOVER WITH MY TWO OF MY FRIENDS! YEA!
than i get to vist my uncle in NEW ORLEANS.

My uncle lived in new orleans for a long time. than he got married and had a baby. my uncle made a house in new orleans. it toke him all year to make. its kinde of hard to belive his a father.
his funny and fun but his always been dating for the right one and when he found her we didnt belive it. our uncle loves the baby and the baby he cute smily and fun. than katrina struck. luckly my uncle left the area well before it struck. he was living with his boss for a little while. ( he told me the boss didnt like kids but he seemed to like the baby.)
when my uncle finally was allowed back into new orleans he expected the worst instead he got the best. his house was untouched by katrina or burglers the only thing that happened that some people knocked over the door in search for animels.
there cold box stunk though so much that they throw up for the next half a hour.
they left it outside hoping someone stupid enough would come and take it. someone did and they were relived. but in the morning they found it back again. than it was gone during the night.
when he called he told us this.

i dont know if its really gone or it just want for another walk.

he tells us that its lonely in new orleans now. almost nobody has returned. my uncle has always been a people person and now that new orleans is empty its really lonely out there.

new orleans will never quite be the same again.

so says


Monday, February 06, 2006


soccer its one great game. i love it. am good at it too. my nicknames have been. ( in order.) the rocket, the speeding bullet, crazy, jetpack. am just one fast guy.

people think for soccer the bigger the player is the better he is. WRONG! not thats it is wrong to be a big guy. i know good players that are big. its just that small people like me are thought not to be good. am great am one of the biggest scorers in my team.

Well thats my thoughts about soccer. not much right. no tips no photes just my thoughts.

maybe ill do some tips later.

see you.


Paint ball

With a gun in my hand i prepare myself for a game of speedball.

i've only played paintball once. it was great although playing in winter is a let down ( summer has more leaves for hiding.) you should play anywhy.

am kinda of a sniper even if my aim is bad. however i am a good at staying still and not being seen.

Here are some modes of play.

castle. i played castle mode in the woods. its cool being in a large fort hummering away at your enamys. the fort i played in kinde had a lower area and a upper area. with holes and walls and everything. attackers will be able to move around while people inside are only allowed to move inside of the fort.

team kill. theres other names for these but i call it team kill. its simple. move around and kill like crazy at any one of the other team. this game is only good while playing it in the woods. ( paint ball woods are called woodball.) always keep someone at your back to help out.

capture the flag. a game for children right. not if you throw in some paintball guns and maybe a paint granade as well. its simple get the others teams flag. a fun game. keep only a few people back to guard the flag. the others will try to get the flag.

speedball. i didnt find this has fun as playing castle or capture the flag. i just like to play it sneaky i guess. but in speedball that not going to happen. every one will know where you are. so your only choice is to slug it out. its painful to. being shot with a paintball up close on slightly padded hand is very painful. ( my hand want numb)

There are others modes but ive never played them.

heres a cool plan for capture the flag or team kill. for these you should have four squadmates to help. one of them has got to be sneaky has well.

theres a point man whose the bait you could say. he leads way up front the rest stay back a little.
once he meets another squad he should get cover fast and let loose with his gun to keep them watching him.
everyone but the sneaky one rushes foward to help.( keep low and get cover. your job is not to hit but to keep the enamy watching you) the sneaky one crawls close up to the fight. maybe near the enamys backs without being seen. than carefully he rises his gun aims ( dont miss and if you do scurry back so they cant get a shot at you. than do it all over again.) than shot shot shot. hopefully he will hit most of the other squad and the rest of the team will get anyone left.

This can also work without no help. just be very quit and still till the enamy get close than shot one than flee back a behind a bush or something than get in front of the groub and it all over again. ( if one sees you shot him and flee back than get in frontof them and shot them just has the plan said to do.

There are two movies of paintball. splat which is a bad story about a teenager who loves paintball. if you like speedball you might be able to gulb this down.

spplat ive havent seen before but if you like paintball war you will in joy this. 3 teams 100 people on each. let the paintballs fly. also the main actor in star trek will be playing as the communder.

know i've made some mistakes with spelling and grammer ill will correct them later.

thank you.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

my mistakes.

I am very sorry about the bad grammer and spelling. in dungeons and dragons i made the mistake of making tomate instead of tomato. also souce meaning sauce.

Very sorry ill correct it later.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Areeee speaks about writing storys and scripts.

Hello out there am areeee.
If you want to know how to write scripts and storys youve come to the right place.
Out of ideas go through a first dreft.

A first dreft is a begining. you pore out what ever you think of. than try to get the first dreft togather so it makes a kinde of crooked storyline. than keep going through your second third and as meny drefts as you want or need to make a good story or script.

If you are finding yourself copying ideas from other authers and movie writers than clear you head.( use this only if you want to use your own ideas. its ok to use other peoples ideas as long as your not copying everthing.) dont watch tv dont read any books. after few days your mind should be fresh with your own ideas.

Make the readers and the watchers care about your characters in your script and story. make details dont just get everthing right down to the point. make details that is just small talk.

Well thats what ive write for now. may be ill write more later.

areeee talks more dungeons and dragons.

Am back.

Back to where we left our heroes.

Liz: Who would have left tomate souce everywhere.

Osborn: A mad cook.

Joel: Do you guys hear something.

Door they come from burst open to show three tough looking guys all wearing swords and crossbows.

Guy1 ( leader) Who are you.

Osborn: The cleaning crew.

Liz: Osborn.

Osborn: Right am sorry.

guy2: who are you.

Joel: Were here to get the cook for a feast. however we didnt think this was going to happen.

Guy3: right just step aside. were fighters payed to clean out what ever is inside here so just get out of here.

Guys leave for other door.

osborn: They were not very nice were they.

Korean: yea what are we going to do about the cook.

Jacob: Were going to stay i think to check out what is going to do. but we should get the cook to the temple.

Joel ive got a idea. jacob to you have that inlarge spell. liz do you got your owl friend.

Liz: i know what your thinking and its not going to work.

Korean: give it a try.

Jacob uses his inlarge spell to make the owl bigger but not big enough.

Liz: great no he cant get through the doors till the spell wears off.

Korean: well now we know he cant carry the cook to the temple. were just have to leave him here. Poor littlr guy. i wonder what attacked him.

osborn: is not died through thats good.

Joel: i hear screams.

jacob: its those guys i think.

Joel: hurry.

They run through the door and some other dooors till they reach a gym sized room. at the far end are the knocked out guys. there are also some tables full of bottles and potions. between the two is a large red creature.

osborn: what the huck.

creature opens it mouth and roars red stuff splatter the group.

Liz: this stuff is.

Osborn: Tomate souce. that thing is made of tomate souce.

joel alright david and i will charge over and start to hit it. you guys cast spells and osborn.

Osborn: is very hungry. (takes out fork and spoon from his pocket. ) Time to eat.

Liz: no osborn.

Osborn charges the creature. when he reaches it he takes a large bite out of it. the creature take him in its large hand and sticks osborn its chest feet first till his stuck in all the way to his neck.

osborn: am stuck.

Gelom hit both the tables with its hands seending the bottles of potion flying to the group.

David: Dodge.

Most of the potion miss but however jacobs get hit with one and suffers some burns. korean cast magic missle on the gelom and hits for 5 damage.
Joel also hits it with his broadsword for 8 damage.

the creature flees with osborn in him.

Joel: great come on guys.

David: no one but me can mass around with osborn.

Korean: dont worry osborn were coming.

The groub rushes after the gelom. they find the gelom in the kitchens about to drop osborn into a boiling hot pot of oil.

Osborn: Help his going to make me into a osborn burger deep fried in oil. ( Pauses.) I bet i teste good.

Joel attacks follewed by david. liz Try to put it to sleep with her sleep spell. it doesnt work.
Korean cast mage armor on osborn in case his is droped into the oil.
Jacob attacks with his spear.

Osborn is soon freed and fights with his club.

the gelom takes a lot of damage but doesnt stop attacking. than the cook enters. he woke up after they had entered the kitchen.

Cook: ( played by dm.) who are you.

Joel no time to talk. we need to kill this thing.

Cook: any good cook know how to get rid of his cooking everbody drop your weapons and dig in.

Osborn: yes am hungry.

Everyone eats the gelom till it nothing.

Joel: ( on the ground burbing. so is everyone else. why did this thing attack you.

Cook: i was making tomate souce when i droped a magic potion into the pot. thats how it got made. i guess it just attack on it own.

and so the heroes brought the cook to the temple after asking the wizard to let him go.
( the wizard had been in a another world while the gelom was around.)
oh yea hey alll got stumach ach

Thursday, February 02, 2006

areeee talks about dungeons and dragons.

Ive played dungeons and dragons sice i was 7 years old. I saw a bunch of older kids play and than i got hooked. I uselly play a paladin since they are really the glory types. i also dungeon master groups as well.

heres a little made up story to give you what it sounds like.

DM: well guys are you ready to play.

liz: Yea lets get going. ( plays female human wizard.)

Korean: am ready. ( plays elf male wizard.)

Jacob: Ready to rumble. ( play human male wizard.)

David. sure. ( plays male human priest to pelor

Joel: lets kick some booty. ( plays human male fighter.

Dm: right so your lttle buddy osborn is dead after your last encounter. ( osborn halfling thief. Clever smart and annoying.) so what are you going to do.

joel: I pick him up like a sack of beans.

Liz: Lets get out of this dungeon.

Jacob: Right.

Once at the temple joel and liz are trying to bring osborn back to life by having the high level priest rise him from the died.

Joel: 40000 gold pieces you've got to be joking.

Priest: ( played by dm.) Yep rising is not cheap you know.

Liz: i know that but this.

Priest. pay up or bury your friend.

liz: ill pay il pay by giving you a punch to the ....

Joel: Hold up liz if you punch him were only get into trouble.

Priest: ( calmly.) His right you know. How ever we do need a errend done for us.

Joel: what is it.

Priest: we are having a feast we need a cook who lives in the next town. he lives with a well known wizard. if you go get him were rise you died friend.

Joel: ok.

Joel and liz are walking back.

Joel: that was quite a show you showed back there. you've never been so hostile.

Liz: Osborn saved my life from that ugly acid slug the lest thing i can do for him is to rise him from the died.

Joel: yea you pretty burned up from that fireball maybe david should look at it.

Liz: yea.

The group gets healed up and osborn is brought back from the died. ( osborn is also played by the dm.) They travel to the next town to hear gossip about strenge things happening where the cook lives. the group goes to check it out.

Jacob. ( slightly drunk. to much beer.) this is the building alright.

David: alright joel and i will go first. folllewed by osborn than you guys.

They enter to find red liqued all over the place and broken chairs and tables.

Korean: blood.

Liz: yuck.

Osborn: somethings cooking by the smell of it.

Joel: this is not the time to be talking about cooking 0sborn.( drews his sword.) who ever did this is most likely still in side.

Osborn: great that means that its a good idea to leave right.


Osborn: right. something smalls like tomate to me.

Jacob: Great we have a hungry halfling in our mist.

DM: theres a door next to you.

David: right i enter.

Dm: you see a bloody man on the floor. covered with the blood.

Liz :Oh my gosh. ( hurrys over.) David dont just stand there get over here.

David: right. ( hurrys over there.)

Osborn: somethings cooking alright. my old gran use to make great cookies you know. ( finds a chiefs hat) thats great the cook is died. there goes the quest.

David: i dont know about that this man seems to have suffered no fatel wounds.

Liz: are you crazy theres blood all over him.

osborn: step aside let a expert get a look.

Jacob: theres a lot of things i dont know but one i do know is that your no docter.

Osborn: No am not a docter. however am a expert in food.

David: has if we dont know your food bills are huge. what does food has to do with this man.

Osborn: this is not blood this is tomate souce. ( testes it.) Good stuff. too.

Joel: duh.

Korean: leave it to osborn to know what is blood and what is tomate souce.

I will work more on this later.